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Tips from an Orthopedic Nurse

Nurse Kathy Juran has been in the orthopedic world for over thirty years as a confident and skilled caretaker. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with her and […]

Skin Cancer in Older Adults on the Rise

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Over the past 31 years, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined.

Storms A-Brewin’ in Older Adults due to Thyroid Disease

The thyroid, a small, butterfly-shaped gland in our throats, can wreak havoc on anyone. For older adults – who are more at risk – thyroid problems often complicate heart disease, worsen osteoporosis, and cause a storm of other health issues.

Eating with Dementia

Having dementia shouldn’t come between you and that delicious meal. Here are five tips that may help you or a loved one who is eating with dementia.

How Important are Grandparents?

A recent survey released by AARP finds that 90% of grandparents believe they play an important role in their grandchildren’s lives. Based on this survey’s results, it appears their assumptions might be right on target.

Is Blood in Your Urine Serious?

Discovering blood in your urine can be a frightening experience. Some people may choose to ignore it until surgery is the only option, while others might feel the need to rush to the emergency room with the dreaded “C” word consuming their thoughts.

Remember Radio Theater?

In the 1940s, the radio-play (now seemingly forgotten) was a common pastime in America. Many of our greatest fantasies, fears, and struggles were broadcast 24 hours-a-day directly into our homes. We closed our eyes, soaked up the words of our favorite heroes and villains, and shared their journeys with our families and friends.

Saving for a Single Retirement

According to The Wall Street Journal, 35% of 50-54 year olds were single in 2011, compared with 29% in 2000. With more baby boomers entering their golden years on their own, retirement planning becomes even more important and challenging.

Life is 10 Percent What Happens to You and 90 Percent How You React to It

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There are numerous situations out of our control – and when things aren’t going our way or the deck seems to be stacked against us, anger can rear its ugly head. Older adults can experience a mixed bag of emotions, including anger, as they begin to give up independence and rely on caregivers.

Are the Grandchildren Leaving You Achy?

It doesn’t matter if you are the fittest grandparent in the Midwest; crawling around playing hide and seek – or even just lifting and carrying the grandkids can do a number on your neck, knees and back.

The Debate Over The Patient Protection and Affordability Act

Just last week the Supreme Court of the United States heard historic oral arguments on the constitutionality of President Obama’s healthcare law. The Court allowed six hours for oral arguments over three consecutive days, something that has not happened since the 1960’s.

Diabetes More Prevalent In Older Adults

An astounding 8.3% of the population in the United States has Diabetes. That’s 25.8 million people! Even more astounding: 10.9 million of those 25.8 million people are 65 years of age or older.

Defense: Instrumental to the Game, not to Conversation

Whether it is from our boss, the person we are caring for, our parents, our children, our spouse or our friends, learning to communicate without defensiveness is one of the most important factors in determining success in your life and relationships.

Hip Fracture – A Recoverable Injury

There is a common perception of ‘doom’ with regards to older adults who fall and fracture a hip. The consensus seems to be that it is an almost non-recoverable injury.

Understanding COPD

I was astonished to learn that COPD is most prevalent in adults aged 55 and older, and that more than 24 million people in the U.S. are living with this disease which does not have a cure. COPD is typically thought of as a smoking disease, because 80% – 90% of all the cases in the U.S. are the result of smoking cigarettes; however, nonsmokers can develop COPD, too.

Important Winter Warnings

Here are a few important winter warnings to be aware of and what they mean. Being able to identify the meaning behind these winter warnings can help you plan ahead and avoid a dangerous situation.

My Long Lost Love: The Library

It’s a place I frequented as a child and as a teenager to check out and read entire collections of books, and where I found new music when I couldn’t afford to purchase a zillion CDs. The library.

Older Adults More at Risk for Winter’s ‘Silent Killer’

We all know the common and obvious dangers of winter such as the slippery ice and road conditions, but winter comes with a hidden danger we often overlook: carbon monoxide. With its colorless, odorless and tasteless properties, phrases like ‘silent killer’ and the ‘ghostly gas’ have been coined because of the inherent danger it poses to our health.

Remembering Our Past

As we continue to look ahead, we also recognize all that is a part of our past. We have a rich history – one that spans over a century – and it is important to honor our legacy.