Stomach Therapy
Believe it or not, there are a number of different items that will leave your stomach feeling satisfied and your mind feeling free.
The Importance of a Family Health History
When it comes to health, a family tree can reveal a lot about you, and it may even lead to early detection.
Therapeutic Delight
Recently, I took a course that focused on life writing and was surprised by the therapeutic benefits it offered. For me, life writing felt a lot like journaling, and I found it to be exceptionally reflective.
Get Your Zzzzzzzs
Understanding how sleep works will help you get the right amount of rest each night.
Medication Station: Creating a Daily Routine
When we rely on certain medicines to stay healthy, it’s important to create a daily routine that will help us remember the right pills at the right time.
The Most Important Meal of the Day
You should eat breakfast for a variety of reasons. Not only does it give you energy, but it helps in other areas too, including weight control.
Songs to Make You Smile
Scientific studies have shown that listening to music has a real effect on different parts of the brain.
Coping with the Death of a Parent
Death. It doesn’t matter how you choose to perceive it, the bottom line is that experiencing and dealing with it is one of the most difficult things any of us will ever do.
Need to Be Needled?
I admit that I thought acupuncture for our pets sounded a bit over the top, but then I stopped to consider how acupuncture treatment worked wonders for me… So why not try it on our furry friends?
Health Benefits of Hydration
In today’s world, there are many different ways to keep your body healthy, but nothing brings the benefits quite like hydration.
Understanding Anxiety
Anxiety happens to the best of us for a number of scattered reasons. Unfortunately, anxiety disorders can result in long-term worry or fear that disturbs your day-to-day life.
The Science and Power of Touch
The emotional and physical health benefits in recent studies established touch as fundamental to human communication, bonding and wellbeing.
Heart Healthy Diet Tips
Lifestyle changes and early prevention measures can help lower your risk of becoming one of the 600,000 people who are affected by heart disease every year.
Which of Your Senses Could You Live Without?
When I was a kid, one of my favorite questions to ask people was, “If you had to go without one of your senses, which would it be – touch, sight, smell, taste, or hearing?”
Beat Those Winter Blues
While I’ve mastered the art of anticipating summer, I’ve also come to realize that there are things I can do to keep myself sane in the winter.
Improving Health 20 Minutes at a Time
The idea of naps got me searching for any positive health benefits or evidence to help me justify inserting naps in my weekly schedule. I found some interesting information.
5 Steps For a Successful Hospital Discharge
Elder Care Helper offers these five key steps to help you plan a safe and appropriate transition from hospital to home or rehabilitation center.
Flu Shot: Get Yours Today!
This year, influenza is rapidly sweeping the nation. The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year.
Random Acts of Kindness – Get Inspired for 2013
Surely, we can find a few small things – random acts of kindness – to brighten the mood of others and spread good will. In attempting to create my list and plan, I came across an entire website and an organization called The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, which is dedicated to inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on to others.
Four Agreements for a New Year
I always like to start a new year off with some constructive aspirations. This year, I chose to read a book over the holidays that I had heard so much about from others, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Trouble Eating? 3 Ways to Get Hungry Again
Don’t allow your meals to become unwanted tasks. Eating should be enjoyable. Here are three ways to put the spice back in your mealtime.
Finding the Cure for What Ails in Herbs Part 2
Here is additional herbal information to help determine what you need from your pantry when you are suffering from cold symptoms or achy joints – both common fall and winter issues.
Keep Your Cholesterol Down
In order to lower your cholesterol levels, we must understand what cholesterol is and what exactly those levels mean.
Scents of the Season
Personally, a whiff of a home cooked meal is something that ties me to the holiday season. Unfortunately, a large number of people visit the doctor for smell disorders each year, and these people are not able to experience the delicious scents of the holiday season.
Health Journaling
While some people choose to keep a private journal, many are now taking to the Internet to share their story.