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Food for Thought

We’ve all heard for a long time about the health benefits of diets full of fresh fruits and vegetables. As one who loves both, I am happy to comply with this recommendation. Recently, I have been hearing more and more about some very big benefits of a very small fruit – blueberries. Evidence shows that […]

Make ‘Em Laugh: The Best Medicine

When is the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Do you remember the surge of euphoria flowing through your body making it impossible to stop yourself? Do you remember how the urge to laugh crept up minutes and even hours after reflecting on that moment? There’s a reason why these things happen. When […]

Vitamin Recommendations: Feel Better and Stay Stronger!

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to vitamins — which ones to take and how much — I get a little overwhelmed. Some doctors don’t really say much about vitamins but there is research proving that vitamins are beneficial in a number of ways. So, I consulted with a doctor that speaks […]

Senior Volunteerism: More Beneficial Than You Might Think!

As an organization, Covenant Methodist Senior Services has always held volunteerism in very high regard. We clearly understand the value that volunteering creates for its community, but we also strongly believe in the value that is created for those doing the volunteering. While society tends to think of senior citizens as the benefactors to a […]

Communicating With Your Doctor

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Establishing good communication with your doctor is essential. The more you communicate with your doctor, the more she/he will communicate with you. Prior to your next doctor visit, consider doing the following: Write a list of questions and concerns before your doctor’s visit, and don’t be afraid to pull out the list in front of […]

Say Goodbye to Procrastination

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We all find ourselves at one point or another saying, “I’ll get to it tomorrow” or “I don’t want to deal with that right now.” Days pass, weeks slip, and months fly by. Before we know it another year has passed and we still haven’t dealt with some of the most important decisions in our […]

Computer Usability for Older Adults: Tips for Making Things Easier

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The population of older adults using computers is growing more than any other age group. Unfortunately, with age usually comes a decrease in finger dexterity as well as vision – two key aspects of using a computer. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to overcome these obstacles to allow for an enjoyable computing experience. […]

Pet Therapy: Dogs and Cats and Rabbits — Oh My!

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Who hasn’t heard the ‘oouhhs’ and ‘awwws’ that come with seeing a kitten chasing a string or a dog sleeping peacefully? We naturally can’t help but respond in the same manner. Animals are frequently the subject of the most watched videos online and most commonly shared pictures. Whether we internally recognize their innocence, identify with […]

Dehydration: Be Aware of the Symptoms

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As Administrator of a Nursing Home, there are a myriad of issues that I train my staff to focus on to help ensure we are providing excellent care. On the top of the list during these warm summer months is the risk of dehydration. Though any of us can experience dehydration, young children and seniors […]

Exercise Tips for Older Adults

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We all know exercise is good for everyone. However, there seems to be some fear or trepidation when it comes to exercise for seniors. What is classified as too strenuous? Will it hurt more than it will help? What if it leads to a fall or injury? Believe it or not, exercise for seniors doesn’t […]

Drink Tea to Reduce the Risk of Stroke

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Did you know that drinking three or more cups of black or green tea a day reduces the risk of a stroke by 21 percent? The results of a recent study conducted at the University of California in Los Angeles indicate that this is the case. It must be pointed out, however, that the same […]

Snacking with Diabetes: A Good Combination When Done Properly

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If you, like my mother, are one of the more than 12 million Americans over the age of 60 with diabetes, a proper nutrition plan designed just for you is an essential part of controlling the disease. Don’t forget, diabetes is a leading factor in heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, neuropathy, […]