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In Celebration of Grandparents Day

National Grandparents Day honors the love only grandparents can provide. Grandparents and their grandchildren share a special bond.  In celebration of #GrandparentsDay, we would like to recognize one of our very own residents at Wesley Place, Mary Jo Pride. Her granddaughter, Isabelle was kind enough to sit down and share some very special and personal moments about her Grandmother. 


What do you like best about your grandparent?

I deeply appreciate my grandmother’s storytelling abilities. Having been a writer and a poet her whole life, my grandmother is especially good at describing a narrative. Whenever I am feeling down or need a good pick me up I know I can always rely on my grandmother and her stories.


What part of your grandmother’s life inspires you?

My grandmother’s ability to be an educator. Being a teacher was an incredibly defining thing for my grandmother and I am always envious of her ability to transfer knowledge. Being able to teach people things is an incredible gift and I’ve always been inspired by her gift to do so.


Please share your favorite thing to do with your grandmother?

I love having meals with my grandmother. We both share a deep appreciation for mac and cheese and other comfort foods and love spending time with her while enjoying a delicious meal.


Name a favorite time that you spent with your grandparent?

The moment I pledged my grandmother’s sorority, Pi Beta Phi. Immediately after getting in I called my grandmother to let her know that I joined. It was an incredibly happy moment that I am so fortunate to have shared with her.  I know that some of her fondest college memories are of joining this sorority and I am beyond pleased to have also had this shared experience with her. I am also proud to wear her original sorority pin and ring, which she has kept close to her heart all these years.


Name an event that your grandparent participated in that inspires you?

In our sorority my grandmother held the position of treasurer and I think it perfectly demonstrates her reliability and accountability. I hope that in the future I can also hold an executive position and hold it as well as she did.


National Grandparents Day


Here is a poem that Mary Jo wrote about Isabelle. 


Isabelle’s Eyes

Isabella of Spain empowered Columbus
to seek a new route to an ancient world.
Her eyes must have widened in the wond’ring delight
When he brought back word of a new world instead,
a world full of riches from nature’s largesse,
and peopled with beings exotic and strange.

Prospero’s daughter, the lovely Miranda
marveled over the beings she saw
a raging tempest tossed up on her shore
“O brave new world that has such people in it!”
Of course her world was not so brave,
Caliban lurked as did deadly deceit,
but her eyes were young and she full of trust
that what would befall her would more often bless
than curse her days upon the earth.

Now Isabelle’s eyes see her own new world,
and she laughs and smiles at all she sees,
and those within her special sphere
share her joy and expectancy.
They see with new eyes the world she sees,
a warm and sunny and welcoming place
as seen through the gaze of Isabelle’s eyes.

​Special thanks to ​Mary Jo, Amy and Isabelle.

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