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Scents of the Season

Nothing says Christmas like the aroma of peppermint or pine. Personally, a whiff of a home-cooked meal is something that ties me to the holiday season. Unfortunately, a large number of people visit the doctor for smell disorders each year, and these people are not able to experience the delicious scents of the holiday season. You can make sure your nose is in tiptop shape by getting to know your sense of smell.

Your sense of smell is part of your chemical sensing system and is connected to your sense of taste. Smell occurs when odors stimulate your specialized sensory cells, which are known as olfactory sensory cells. These cells are located in a small patch of tissue that is found high inside the nose.

Smell loss happens differently for everyone. For some people, it is something that occurs over time and it exists as a minor irritation. For others, losing their sense of smell may be a sign that something else is wrong, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease. 

Problems with smell are not often life threatening, but your sense of smell can serve as a warning signal in many situations – such as noticing that food is spoiled or detecting a fire. Furthermore, it has the ability to put you in a good mood or remind you of a past memory. Follow these few steps so that you’re not missing out on those delicious, holiday fragrances.

Pay Attention to What You Smell

“Use it or lose it” is a common saying that can apply to smell. The more you use your senses, the better you get. And if you’re more aware of what you smell, you’ll know when your sense of smell begins to disappear.

How Do Smells Make You Feel?

The nerves inside your body that sense smell are directly connected to the emotional part of your brain. Take note when different smells make you feel a different way. Avoid negative scents, and smell the good ones!

Eat More Zinc

Foods with a high level of the mineral zinc can boost your sense of smell. Try adding oysters, lentils, sunflower seeds, and pecans to your diet.

Avoid Foods that Cause Mucus

When you have a cold, it’s hard to taste almost anything. Avoid consuming too much milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream to keep your airways clear.

Melanie Marzillo
Research & Community Education

Chicago Skilled Nursing
Chicago Senior Living

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